van den Berg JS, Molina NM, Altmäe S, Arends B, Steba GS. A systematic review identifying seminal plasma biomarkers and their predictive ability on IVF and ICSI outcomes. Reprod Biomed Online. 2024 Feb;48(2):103622. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2023.103622. Epub 2023 Oct 18. PMID: 38128376.
Pérez-Prieto I, Migueles JH, Molina NM, Sola-Leyva A, Salas-Espejo E, Arffman RK, Nurkkala M, Niemelä M, Lüll K, Org E, Franks S, Tapanainen JS, Salumets A, Piltonen TT, Ortega FB, Altmäe S. Association of Accelerometer-Determined Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior With the Gut Microbiome in Middle-Aged Women: A Compositional Data Approach. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2024 Jul;34(7):e14689. doi: 10.1111/sms.14689. PMID: 38946228.
Salas-Espejo E, Terrón-Camero LC, Ruiz JL, Molina NM, Andrés-León E. Exploring the Microbiome in Human Reproductive Tract: High-Throughput Methods for the Taxonomic Characterization of Microorganisms. Semin Reprod Med. 2023 Sep;41(5):125-143. doi: 10.1055/s-0044-1779025. Epub 2024 Feb 6. PMID: 38320576.
- Canha-Gouveia A, Pérez-Prieto I, Rodríguez CM, Escamez T, Leonés-Baños I, Salas-Espejo E, Prieto-Sánchez MT, Sánchez-Ferrer ML, Coy P, Altmäe S. The female upper reproductive tract harbors endogenous microbial profiles. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2023
- Sola-Leyva A, Pérez-Prieto I, Molina NM, Vargas E, Ruiz-Durán S, Leonés-Baños I, Canha-Gouveia A, Altmäe S. Microbial composition across body sites in polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Reprod Biomed Online. 2023
- Molina NM, Jurado-Fasoli L, Sola-Leyva A, Sevilla-Lorente R, Canha-Gouveia A, Ruiz-Durán S, Fontes J, Aguilera CM, Altmäe S. Endometrial whole metabolome profile at the receptive phase: influence of Mediterranean Diet and infertility. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2023
- Altmäe S, Sola-Leyva A, Salumets A. Artificial intelligence in scientific writing: a friend or a foe? Reprod Biomed Online. 2023
- Plaza-Florido A, Rodriguez-Ayllon M, Altmäe S, Ortega FB, Esteban-Cornejo I. Cardiorespiratory fitness and targeted proteomics involved in brain and cardiovascular health in children with overweight/obesity. Eur J Sport Sci. 2023
- Rodriguez-Ayllon M, Plaza-Florido A, Mendez-Gutierrez A, Altmäe S, Solis-Urra P, Aguilera CM, Catena A, Ortega FB, Esteban-Cornejo I. The effects of a 20-week exercise program on blood-circulating biomarkers related to brain health in overweight or obese children: The ActiveBrains project. J Sport Health Sci. 2023
- Koel M, Krjutškov K, Saare M, Samuel K, Lubenets D, Katayama S, Einarsdottir E, Vargas E, Sola-Leyva A, Lalitkumar PG, Gemzell-Danielsson K, Blesa D, Simon C, Lanner F, Kere J, Salumets A, Altmäe S. Human endometrial cell-type-specific RNA sequencing provides new insights into the embryo-endometrium interplay. Hum Reprod Open. 2022
- Oses M, Medrano M, Margareto Sanchez J, Portillo MP, Aguilera CM, Altmäe S, Labayen I. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells-expressed miRNA profiles derived from children with metabolic-associated fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. Pediatr Obes. 2022
- Plaza-Florido A, Pérez-Prieto I, Molina-Garcia P, Radom-Aizik S, Ortega FB, Altmäe S. Corrigendum: Transcriptional and epigenetic response to sedentary behavior and physical activity in children and adolescents: A systematic review. Front Pediatr. 2022
- Plaza-Florido A, Pérez-Prieto I, Molina-Garcia P, Radom-Aizik S, Ortega FB, Altmäe S.Transcriptional and Epigenetic Response to Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Front Pediatr. 2022
- Becker CM, Bokor A, Heikinheimo O, Horne A, Jansen F, Kiesel L, King K, Kvaskoff M, Nap A, Petersen K, Saridogan E, Tomassetti C, van Hanegem N, Vulliemoz N, Vermeulen N; ESHRE Endometriosis Guideline Group.ESHRE guideline: endometriosis. Hum Reprod Open. 2022
- Vargas E, García-Moreno E, Aghajanova L, Salumets A, Horcajadas JA, Esteban FJ, Altmäe S. The mid-secretory endometrial transcriptomic landscape in endometriosis: a meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Open. 2022
- Altmäe S, Kullisaar T. GenitouGenitourinary microbial screening for all infertile men? Nat Rev Urol. 2022
- Molina NM, Plaza-Díaz J, Vilchez-Vargas R, Sola-Leyva A, Vargas E, Mendoza-Tesarik R, Galán-Lázaro M, Mendoza-Ladrón de Guevara N, Tesarik J, Altmäe S. Assessing the testicular sperm microbiome: a low-biomass site with abundant contamination. Reprod Biomed Online. 2021
Plaza-Florido A, Altmäe S, Esteban FJ, Löf M, Radom-Aizik S, Ortega FB. Cardiorespiratory fitness in children with overweight/obesity: Insights into the molecular mechanisms. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2021
Altmäe S, Rienzi L. Endometrial microbiome: new hope, or hype?. Reprod Biomed Online. 2021
Läänelaid S, Ortega FB, Kunovac Kallak T, Joelsson L, Ruiz JR, Hreinsson J, Wånggren K, Stavreus-Evers A, Kalda R, Salumets A, Altmäe S. Physical and Sedentary Activities in Association with Reproductive Outcomes among Couples Seeking Infertility Treatment: A Prospective Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021
Sola-Leyva A, Andrés-León E, Molina NM, Terron-Camero LC, Plaza-Díaz J, Sáez-Lara MJ, Gonzalvo MC, Sánchez R, Ruíz S, Martínez L, Altmäe S. Mapping the entire functionally active endometrial microbiota. Human Reproduction. 2021
Molina NM, Sola-Leyva A, Haahr T, Aghajanova L, Laudanski P, Castilla JA, Altmäe S. Analysing endometrial microbiome: methodological considerations and recommendations for good practice. Human Reproduction. 2021
Altmäe S, Molina NM, Sola-Leyva A. Omission of non-poly(A) viral transcripts from the tissue level atlas of the healthy human virile. BMC Biology. 2020
Lüll K, Arffman RK, Sola-Leyva A et al. The gut microbiome in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and its Association with Metabolic Traits. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2020
Henriksson P, Lentini A, Altmäe S. et al. DNA methylation in infants with low and high body fatness. BMC genomics. 2020 doi:10.1186/s12864-020-07169-7
Haahr T, Jensen J S, Altmäe S. et al. Low biomass microbiota in the upper genital tract of reproductive age women: fact or fiction?. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials. 2020 doi:10.1186/s12941-020-00385-9
Sõritsa D., Mäestu E, Nuut M, et al. Maternal physical activity and sedentary behaviour before and during in vitro fertilization treatment: a longitudinal study exploring the associations with controlled ovarian stimulation and pregnancy outcomes. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2020 dot:10.1007/s10815-020-01864-w
Molina Morales N, Sola Leyva A, Sáez Lara M J. et al. New Opportunities for Endometrial Health by Modifying Uterine Microbial Composition: Present or Future? Biomolecules. 2020 doi:10.3390/biom10040593.
Vargas E, Aghajanova L, Gemzell-Danielsson K, et al. Cross-disorder analysis of endometriosis and its comorbid diseases reveals shared genes and molecular pathways and proposes putative biomarkers of endometriosis. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 2020 doi:10.1016/j.rbmo.2019.11.003
Altmäe S, Franasiak JM, Mändar R. The seminal microbiome in health and disease. Nature Review Urology. 2020 doi:10.1038/s41585-019-0250-y
Suhorutshenko M, Kukushkina V, Velthut-Meikas A, et al. Endometrial receptivity revisited: endometrial transcriptome adjusted for tissue cellular heterogeneity. Human Reproduction. 2018 doi:10.1093/humrep/dey301 2018
Rekker K, Altmäe S, Suhorutshenko M, et al. A Two-Cohort RNA-seq Study Reveals Changes in Endometrial and Blood miRNome in Fertile and Infertile Women. Genes (Basel). 2018 doi:10.3390/genes9120574